I love shoes - they look so good on me!
(and living a fabulous life on a not so fabulous budget, trying to be a cool mom to 3 cooler daughters, dancing my butt off, drinking my calories, reviewing things I buy and looking for my always missing keys! )

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So, it's the 6th of January. Almost a week into the “new” year. Now is the time to improve oneself, turn over a new leaf and make this the year you do things differently, better, right!

I long ago gave up resolutions; I never stick to them and I hate to fail. Not sticking to a resolution makes me feel selfish and weak.

Now that 2011 is here and so many changes have been invading my life, perhaps I should rethink this non-resolution idea.

Let's take a look at (some) of my vices, shall we?

  • Shoes
  • Nail polish
  • Jeans
  • Coffee
  • Jack and Coke
  • Not sleeping
  • Dancing in loud and crowded clubs

Of these vices which one(s) am I willing to part with? Which one(s) will make me a 'better' person. Sleeping would be nice. But if I sleep when will I have time to dance while drinking jack and coke? When will I have time to buy shoes and nail polish? If I sleep, there may be no need for coffee!

I do have a very comfy bed. And I often find myself day dreaming about it. It's feather top and I purchased for it a great feather top mattress pad. The sheets were a gift from a friend, bought from Restoration Hardware. A big, lovely and fabulous feather duvet and a soft faux fur throw complete the ensemble.

My bed makes me happy, sleeping in my bed makes me happier still. Sleep means I pay more attention to detail – read: lose my keys less.

Happy means I don't have as much road aggression. Plus my kids like me a lot more when I'm happy. Come to think of it, I like them a lot more when I'm happy and not sleep deprived.

So, there we have it. Sleep. It's the resolution I am making for myself – to get more sleep.

An extra hour a day should do it, right?

1 comment:

  1. Yay, sleep!

    I wish you the best of luck with that. Sleep is definitely good for the soul. :)
