I love shoes - they look so good on me!
(and living a fabulous life on a not so fabulous budget, trying to be a cool mom to 3 cooler daughters, dancing my butt off, drinking my calories, reviewing things I buy and looking for my always missing keys! )

Monday, January 3, 2011

School's back in session! As much as I love my kids, I thought I would do cartwheels as they ran out the door on their way to school. And if you know how klutzy I am, you'd understand the great feat cartwheeling would be for me.

But, I digress. Today is Monday and that, my friends, is errand day. What kind of shoes does one wear to run errands? Normally, I'd slide into a pair of heels but today, I have no time to look fabulous and no time to tiptoe around ice. I have to move, move, move!

Bank, Sprint Store, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, school --- ah! My poor feet are still crying from several holiday parties. What I need is comfort. BUT, one can be comfortable, cute and stylish all at the same time. I promise.

Cute, right? They are about 5 years old and I don't remember where I bought them or how much they were. I can guarantee you that they were affordable, though. They are a pair of my 'fall back to cozy' shoes - the shoes I wear when my feet are in recovery mode.

I'm late! Time to dash.

1 comment:

  1. A few years back, I bought some similar to that (I think) from Aeropostale. Cute!
