I love shoes - they look so good on me!
(and living a fabulous life on a not so fabulous budget, trying to be a cool mom to 3 cooler daughters, dancing my butt off, drinking my calories, reviewing things I buy and looking for my always missing keys! )

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My legs hurt. My feet ache. But my shoes were absolutely fabulous! I danced till 3 am. Rang in the new year with my friend, Karen and about 50 of our closest friends!

It was truly a wonderful night and the perfect way for Karen and I to say goodbye to the crotchety 'ol year 2010 that made our life, well, pretty miserable. I love you, Karen! thanks for your support and your friendship. May 2011 be most gracious to us in life, love, and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what your shoes do next ;)
