I love shoes - they look so good on me!
(and living a fabulous life on a not so fabulous budget, trying to be a cool mom to 3 cooler daughters, dancing my butt off, drinking my calories, reviewing things I buy and looking for my always missing keys! )

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dare to be daring.
I don't go crazy on my clothing. I am a jeans kind of girl. And, truly, any shoe goes with jeans. I don't care what the experts say...you can rock ANY pair of shoes with capri jeans, cut off jeans, skinny jeans, boot cut, wide leg.. you name it.
And I realize that there are women out there that have a hard time coming out of their 'comfort zone' to try something daring. I hear it all the time, and from many of my friends. I wear heels mostly.. and that's due to the fact that I have really high arches, so heels just feel better. (which is kind of a cruel joke that a tall girl feels better in heels, right?)

But for those of you who feel most comfortable in flats, you can still find some amazing and daring shoes.
If it's the only daring thing you ever own, it will be well worth it. Half the battle is just having confidence. So which one of these will you dare to slip your feet into?

I found all of these shoes on ebay (under $30!!) - a tip: always buy NEW - in original box.

If they were in my size, I'd buy the pastel ankle boots. But, alas, they are not. Sadness.

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